As the weather starts to change and we move into the Autumn this has to be one of my favourite times of the year to spend time outside with young children. There is just so much to see and discover! Here are a few ideas to get you started...
Go on an autumn walk
Head for a local walk and see what natural treasures can you collect that show you signs of Autumn? You might give children a numbered paper bag and see if they can collect that amount. Or how about giving each child a colour swatch card and matching nature to their shade?
Go foraging for berries and come back and bake a fruit crumble!
Read the story of the Gruffalo and retell it outside! Set up a small world scene or retell with actions outside.
Go for a heather hunt
Did you know spotting white heather is a sign of good luck? Why not take a walk and explore the smell of heather. You might try some heather honey or do some observational paintings of heather outside.
Make a leaf crown
Go on a leaf hunt and stick these into sticky back plastic on card shaped as a crown and have a woodland tea party!
Set up a lavender cafe
Create a lavender cafe as your mid kitchen role play. Provide children with lavender to use in their mud play and make up your own lavender recipe book!
Self portraits
Create your own loose part portraits with natural treasures. Take photos of these and add them to your displays inside.
Set up a camping role play
Many children will have been camping over the summer. Why not set up a campsite role play area to allow young children to retell their adventures.
Block play
For so many children in your setting their summer might have involved going on a car journey. As part of your outdoor continuous provision provide crates, an old steering wheel, maps and blocks for children to re-tell their experiences.
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