Simple Autumn Leaf Play

Sep 12, 2024

Autumn time has to be one of my favourite times of the year. Having Oliver now makes it even more exciting too as I take a moment to stand back and watch him experience everything.

We have loved getting outside each day and doing a daily walk. Talking about all the things we notice each day and notice any changes. Doing this is very much inspired by the practice of the Danes with the daily walk children in early education do. We stop at our favourite tree as well to document its changes as we move through the year. 

I also think it's important that we as adults take the time to just pause and appreciate the slow moments of joy in the day. We can't teach hygge and living well if we don't model it ourselves. I've built this into our daily walk and we will often find a little spot to just sit and watch what's going on. 

On our walk yesterday we took great enjoyment in collecting up some of the fallen leaves and twigs. We then brought these back and I popped them in some water in our tuff tray outside. This created such curiosity around the way the leaves floated, our reflections in the water and being able to see the clouds too, the way the leaves felt in our hands once wet. I also added some pine cones and pebbles and we loved dropping them into the tray and watching what happened to the water. 'Splash'

Set up a Leaf Exploration Table

Use some of the leaves that you collect to create leaf faces and creatures.

Add your collection of leaves and autumn treasures to a sandy tuff tray - mark make in the sand.

Some books to inspire you:

Tag me on socials in your hygge activities outside with your little ones over the next few weeks!

If you need any inspiration on getting outside with your babies and toddlers do check out my short course here.

Kimberly x

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