Exploring Elderflowers
Jun 09, 2024
The beautiful white, frothy elderflowers tend to bloom in late May, turning to elderberries in late August. Prime picking time is in the morning, on a sunny day (before insects have taken the pollen). Once regarded as one of the most magically powerful of trees, elder is a forager's favourite and its flowers are the scent of summer. The flowers and berries are the only edible part of the Elder Tree. They are mildly toxic and have an unpleasant taste when raw. Cooking destroys the toxic chemicals.

Here are a few activities to explore:
🌿🤍Exploring Elderflowers 🤍🌿
- Make delicious elderflower cordial or gin!
- Add them to cakes or biscuits
- Try them deep-fried to make tasty elderflower fritters
- Make elderflower jam
- Add them to homemade Playdough
- Add them to your mud kitchen and potions
- Paint Elderflowers using a cotton bud to create a spray of white flowers - or splatter the paint to see what effect you get.
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