Avoid Burnout with Hygge
As I spoke about in yesterday’s video hygge is all about pausing and taking the time to savour the simple moments in life. For Danes this way of living is the secret to having a good quality of life.
Here in the U. K 11.7 million. working days are lost to stress, depression or anxiety. Working in education is tough and I know myself I have suffered from exhaustion and burnout. In fact it was during these hardest times that I discovered hygge while travelling around Scandinavia. I noticed that the pace of life was so much slower (yet everything was still achieved..if not even better)
Here are some ways to avoid burnout;
2. Working hard, and working efficiently- Work is not the first thing that you will associate with hygge, When I visited I was so surprised to see the roads busy at 3-4pm. ‘It’s rush hour here at that time.’ Our friends told us. Just because we’re working long hours doesn’t mean we’re any better at our jobs. Being busy doesn’t equate to more success in life. Being efficient with your time does though. Make a list of all the jobs or tasks you do each day. What do they bring to your life? How are they moving the needle and having an impact. Which tasks could you delegate, automate or remove?
3.Start the day well- when I went to Scandinavia we would take joy in having slow breakfasts gathered around the table. A candle would be lit and the focus would be on setting yourself up right for the day.
I would love to know what actions you take from this! Tag me in them with #hyggeintheearlyyears
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